Wednesday, May 27, 2015

In The Blink Of An Eye

It's no secret that life can change in the blink of an eye. Jobs can be lost, friendships can end, death can occur, the unemployment line is steps away, your marriage is falling apart, your addiction becomes a weight around your neck and you begin to wonder..... "How did I get here?" "How can I change?" "Is this really who I am, who I was meant to be?"

Change is inevitable. Failure at some point is inevitable. But what helps us to push past those things? I believe it's our inner voice. Whether some think that is you, a higher power of some sort, the Holy Spirit, etc. But, I feel that we are constantly at war with ourselves. One portion of  our self is saying "You can do this, I believe in you." And then there is another part of our self saying "You will never amount to anything. You've made too many mistakes."

The above quote, is one of my absolute favorites. I struggle, like many others, with the fear of failure. And in turn, it holds me back from trying new things, doing new activities, and figuring out who I really am. "What if I fall?" So what. I mean really think about that. Does life constantly demand perfection to succeed in this world? Some would say "yes." But I think that the world puts so much pressure on us to be like it and to fit a certain mold that we often forget the second part of this quote...

"Oh, my darling, what if you fly?" What if you FLY?? What if you grab life by the horns, grab that addiction by the throat, cut that friendship off that is causing more harm than good, leave that job to better yourself, get down and dirty and fix the marriage that you claimed 'til death do us part -- dig DEEP within yourself. Because the truth of the matter is, you CAN fly. All you need is the want and the will to fly and a few people to believe in you.

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