Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Staying open-minded!

It is typical that you're not going to like every single person that you encounter on a daily basis. Likewise when it comes to the "rooms" (AA meetings). I found out early on that I will not agree or even want to listen to every share while I'm at a meeting and I started to shut down while those people were sharing. It was almost as though I was being judgmental; "they aren't going to say anything I can benefit from or care about..." and I realized those were some of my defects of characters, my flaws coming out, right in front of me, while I'm in a "safe place". How do you overcome that? Who knows really but I feel as though that I noticed it, I was OPEN and HONEST with how I was feeling and reacting that I was able to take a step back and keep an open mind and I can still learn something new. Do I like every single word that every single person has to say? No, I don't but that is a natural thing, a natural reaction, as long as I know I listened and kept an open mind, I did the right thing.

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