What a morning....
I attend a 7am meeting in my area and it just jump starts my day. Topic today, technology, literature, and the accessibility of A.A. Thinking about when A.A. started and the few people who were part of it amazes me at where A.A. is now, not only is it here in the U.S. but it is all over the world! Knowing that no matter where you are, what you're doing, and what time of the day it is that you can somehow find a way to make the right choice is such a reassuring AND comforting feeling. When you share in a meeting and someone has something to add to it, or second it, or gives you feedback it confirms that you're doing the right thing, that you are where you need to be.
Another thought that cam up today is that A.A. has no "rules" is something I never even considered because I came into the rooms at a time during A.A.'s life where no one was judged on what "drug" they did, their race, sexuality, or gender. That is a beautiful thing that so many people can come together for one common purpose and share their experience, strength, and hope with each other and hopefully help a fellow addict. That is why this blog is being done, in hopes that somehow, some way I can help someone else in any way. I'm still getting used to blogging in itself but as time goes on I will start to share more and get more into it and find my "rhythm".
For all of you who have read so far, thank you, this means a lot that you took the time out of your day just to give my blog a thought!
Wow!!! This is rockstar status right here. I am so proud of you. You continue to amaze me and I am thankful that you are a part of y life!! Each day that you are sober remember, it's another day and another chance for you to change someone else's life and eventually help to change the world. I am always here for you -- even if miles distance us, we are always connected at the heart 💕💕