Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Friends, real or fake?

When you quit drinking, you take everything that comes along with it. Which includes losing friends, many and few. You do a lot of sitting around, alone, because the friends you thought you had are still out at the bars drinking every night, not wanting to just spend time inside watching a movie or playing a game. You have to find out what you like again, you have to find all new friends, create new special bonds with people you don't know. It's a difficult process, I am still trying to figure it out, it makes me feel very sad and depressed, thinking I don't have any friends, or am I reaching out to all the wrong people? The weather is nice out and I want to be out doing things, not stuck in my apartment, so how do I find those people who want to do those things with me? It's a question I keep asking myself. I attend school and work at my job most days, if not one the other, every day of the week. It's draining and discouraging that I don't have time to find these new friends and new hobbies, to feel happier in life. I don't want to feel like I have to start drinking again just to fit in again. It's how it all started and I don't want to go back to that place. If anyone is reading and has any advice for me, please I am open to ANY suggestions. I hope that you all are enjoying my blog and I appreciate everyone for reading. It's been fun putting my "stuff" out there and maybe helping other people, or just simply letting others know that they aren't alone in their feelings!!!


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